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T GH 101 Introduction to Global Honors (2)
Introduces students to the key concepts of globalization, the expectations of the Global Honors Program, and the value of an interdisciplinary, globally-engaged education. Provides information and access to student engagement opportunities and campus resources. Offered: A.

T GH 203 Themes in Global Honors (5)
Explores connections between the local and global, and between the individual, the community, and the world, through a given theme. Draws on broad interdisciplinary and international perspectives.

T GH 300 Re-Orienting the Global (2) SSc
Provides historically grounded introduction to such concepts as cultural imperialism, colonialism, post colonialism, capitalism, and globalization. Examines relevance of concepts in current global affairs. Provides information on study abroad and service-learning opportunities, as well as expectations of the Global Honors Program.

T GH 301 Global Interactions (5) SSc
Examines the major intellectual and political movements that marked the human experience in the 20th century. Examines nationalism, fascism, and other political philosophies, as well as governments' relationships to the natural environment and to one another.

T GH 302 Global Imaginations (5) A&H
Accommodates the study of major themes, concepts, trends or techniques that permeate world literature, visual arts, music, dance, theatre and other forms of creative expression. The specific art forms and issues examined vary. Also considers marginalized forms of aesthetic expression that have generated cross-cultural debate about modern concepts of "art" and their relation to diverse forms of meaning and value.

T GH 303 Global Challenges (5) SSc
Examines major challenges facing the world in the 21st century. Covers contemporary issues as economic development, poverty and the distribution of resources, ecological concerns, public health, global conflict, nationalism, race, religion, and human rights.

T GH 304 Global Science (5) NSc
Builds scientific literacy and data skills through reading and inquiry into natural science topics of global relevance. Uses a global framework to evaluate peer-reviewed scientific research in a broader context. Emphasizes interdisciplinarity in understanding scientific approaches, conducting independent inquiry, and identifying solutions to global challenges. Course overlaps with: HONORS 220; HONORS 221; and HONORS 222.

T GH 399 Global Honors Study Abroad (3-15, max. 15)
Offered: AWSpS.

T GH 490 Research Methods Seminar (2)
Methods seminar required for seniors in the Global Honors program who are preparing their senior thesis or project. Prerequisite: T GH 301; T GH 302; T GH 303. Offered: AW.

T GH 491 Thesis Symposium (1)
Corequisite: T GH 494. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: W.

T GH 494 Thesis or Project for Global Honors - (4-5, max. 10)
Research and completion of a thesis or project approved and supervised by a full-time UWT faculty member on a significant scholarly topic, for students admitted to the Global Honors Program. Prerequisite: T GH 301; T GH 302; T GH 303; T GH 490. Offered: AWSpS.

T GH 495 Independent Study (1-5, max. 10)

T GH 496 Experiential Learning in Global Honors (5)
Uses globally-focuses experiential learning projects such as internships, community service to locally-based international or immigrant populations, or realted work intended to develop an appreciation of the processes of globalization. Integrates experience with theoretical understanding of globalization and global citizenship. Offered: AWSpS.