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T HIST 101 Introduction to History Methods (5) SSc
Introduces students to historians' methods for researching and writing, including Chicago style, with a focus on formulating, researching, and writing a history research paper on a topic agreed upon by the student and the instructor related to the instructor's field(s) of expertise.

T HIST 102 Introduction to Global Studies (5) SSc
Introduces interdisciplinary study of global phenomena and the basic methods for their assessment. Analyzes survey of trans- national, -regional, and -geographic trends, perspectives, and content topics. Emphasizes the mechanisms of the transmission and causal relations of social, cultural, political, and scientific developments and their respective spheres of influence.

T HIST 111 The Ancient World (5) SSc
Origins of Western civilization to the fall of Rome. Course equivalent to: HSTAM 111.

T HIST 112 The Medieval World (5) SSc
Political, economic, social, and intellectual history of the Middle Ages. Course equivalent to: HSTAM 112.

T HIST 150 World History: Prehistory to 1500 (5) SSc
Surveys the social, political, economic, and cultural history of the world from Prehistory to the 15th century. May not be taken if student has already taken TCXG 230.

T HIST 151 World History II 1500 to Present (5) SSc
Surveys the social, political, economic, and cultural history of the world from the end of the 15th century to the present. Course equivalent to: BIS 269.

T HIST 200 American History I, 1607-1877 (5) SSc
Introduces, surveys, and analyzes American history from 1607-1877. Traces political, economic, social, and cultural trends of America's Colonial, Revolutionary, Early National, Antebellum, Civil War, and Reconstruction eras.

T HIST 201 American History II, 1877-present (5) SSc
Introduces, surveys, and analyzes American history from 1877-present. Traces the major political, economic, social, and cultural trends of the American eras of Industrial Revolution, Progressivism, 1920s, FDR and the New Deal, World War II, Cold War, 1960s, and Reaganism to the present day.

T HIST 202 Global Theories and Methods (5) A&H/SSc
Familiarizes students with recent theories and methods toward understanding, interpreting, and analyzing interconnected causes and effect within the global sphere over extended periods of time.

T HIST 203 Modern Europe in Global History (5) SSc
Examines modern European history in relationship to global history including cultural, intellectual, social, political, and economic interchanges between Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas since the European Renaissance. Course equivalent to: HSTEU 113.

T HIST 212 American Military History I (5) SSc
Explores how early Americans conducted military campaigns from colonial times to 1939, looking at the impact of political, economic, cultural, historical, and technological factors shaping how America fought prior to WW II. Course equivalent to: HSTAA 212.

T HIST 213 American Military History II (5) SSc
Explores how modern American conducts military campaigns from 1939 to the present looking at the impact of political, economic, cultural, historical, and technological factors shaping how America fought after WW II.

T HIST 220 African American History 1619-1865 (5) SSc, DIV
Examines the social, political, economic and cultural history of African Americans in the United States from 1619-1865. Covers West African origins, the trans-Atlantic slave trade, slavery in the Americans, African American identities, and Black life in the Ante-bellum era.

T HIST 221 African-American History 1865-1945 (5) SSc, DIV
Examines construction of the 'Jim Crow' system of racial segregation in the United States, from the Supreme Court's Plessy v. Ferguson decision legalizing segregation in 1896 to the court's Brown v. Board of Education decision overthrowing it in 1954. Examines African-American history, culture, and resistance to segregation in this period.

T HIST 222 African-American History 1945-Present (5) SSc, DIV
Examines African-American history from 1945 to present. Focuses on African-American culture, racial identity, social consciousness, political thought, oppression and resistance, and the confluence of race, class, and gendering in shaping Black culture, politics, and society. Explores U.S. history through the lens of African Americans.

T HIST 231 The Ancient Mediterranean World (5) SSc
Covers political, economic, social, cultural, and intellectual history of the Mediterranean geographic sphere from prehistory to the fall of the Roman Empire and the rise of the Byzantine Empire.

T HIST 251 The Global Twentieth Century (5) A&H/SSc
Surveys the interactive political, economic, cultural, and social developments that shaped the 20th-century world to the present.

T HIST 260 Empires and Imperialism in World History (5) SSc
Examines world history of the Roman, Chinese, Mongol, Ottoman, and Modern European empires and imperialism from ancient to modern times. Themes include empire as historical pattern related to political, economics, and cultural spheres of influence and exchange.

T HIST 270 Premodern East Asia (5) SSc
Examines premodern China, Japan, Korea and Vietnam from their earliest origins to the mid-eighteenth century. Considers social, cultural, political, economic and intellectual developments within a historical framework.

T HIST 271 Modern East Asia (5) SSc
Examines Modern East Asia, focusing on China, Japan, Korea and Vietnam from the mid-eighteenth century to the present. Considers social, cultural, political, economic and intellectual developments within a historical framework.

T HIST 280 German Cultural History (5) A&H
Examines German cultural and social history from the Middle Ages to the post-unification era of the 21st century. Traces the broad development of German civilization through popular culture, literature, art, theater, film, music, and modern media.

T HIST 290 A World History of Food (5) SSc
Examines a world history of food from the Agricultural Revolution to Industrialization including the Columbian Exchange and ecological imperialism with specific foci on key commodities like sugar. Connects human relationships to food with their historical and social, political, cultural, and economic meanings through time and place.

T HIST 315 Industrialization and Reform (5) SSc
Examines the development of industrial capitalism and its effects on government, social institutions, workers and the environment, and on efforts to bring about reform. Provides a historical context for considering current debates about free markets versus planned or regulated economies.

T HIST 320 Asian American History (5) SSc
Examines the histories, cultures, and literatures of Chinese, Japanese, Filipinos, Koreans, East Indians, and Southeast Asians in America from 1850 to 2009. Focuses on struggles of individual groups confronting widespread hostility and poverty. Explores how they established viable communities that continue to flourish to the third, fourth, and fifth generations.

T HIST 322 American Labor Since the Civil War (5) SSc
Provides a history of workers and labor institutions from the era of industrialization to the post-industrial era, focusing on labor-management conflict, the rise and fall of unions, and on the role of government, the media, and other forces in determining events. Concludes with an assessment of labor today.

T HIST 333 Early American Music, Art, Literature, and Theater (5) A&H
Examines the cultural life of Americans from Colonial times to the eve of the Civil War. Includes topics such as Anglo/Celtic and Afro folk and church music, landscape and genre painting, regional and frontier literature, newspaper humor, popular culture, circus, Chautauqua, and minstrel shows.

T HIST 336 Black, Labor, and Protest Music in Historical Perspective (5) A&H/SSc
Presents distinctive musical traditions of African-American, labor and protest movements. Uses folk and protest music as a way to access and understand submerged elements of the American experience that are often ignored or lost to history. Reviews folk traditions embodied in American popular culture.

T HIST 340 History of United States-American Indian Relations (5) SSc
Examines the interrelations between Native Americans and European immigrants since 1500. Explores conflicts and problems in Indian-White relations in a historical context. Includes an analysis of Indian policy and major legislation, with a special focus given to the consequences generated for contemporary Indian education and religion.

T HIST 341 African-American History (5) SSc
Considers some of the major themes and periods in African-American history, as well as the history and present-day manifestations of racial oppression and stereotyping in American life. Includes history texts, classics of African-American literature, films and music, and intensive classroom discussion.

T HIST 343 Vietnam and the 1960s (5) SSc
Examines the dissent and radicalism of the 1960s stemming from the Vietnam War, as well as civil rights and other causes. Explores various political questions pertinent to the 1960s through readings, films, music, and intensive discussion.

T HIST 349 Minorities and Higher Education in American History (5) SSc
Analyzes materials pertaining to the impact of socio-economic, cultural, racial, ethnic, and gender diversity in the American educational system. Studies the development of U.S. policies which both historically excluded and included minorities, women, and the economically disadvantaged population in America.

T HIST 350 Modern Germany Since 1848 (5) SSc
Explores the history of the modern German nation state from the nineteenth century to the present; the rise of nationalism and the 1848 Revolution; the Bismark era, Imperial Germany, World War I, the Weimar Republic, the Nazi Regime, World War II, divided Germany, the post-war era, reunification, and Germany today.

T HIST 356 History of Christianity (5) SSc
Examines Christian religion, including doctrine, practice, and church organization, from the time of Jesus Christ to the present, examining the religion's influence on culture, politics, and society.

T HIST 363 Making of Russia (5) SSc
Considers historical, social, and cultural forces creating the Russian Empire. Examines Russia's Kievan past, Mongol era, rise of Moscow, the country's transformation under Peter the Great and his heirs, and social and political movements that resulted in the Tsarist system's collapse. Films, music, and slides supplement lectures and discussions.

T HIST 364 Modern Russia (5) SSc
Explores Russia from Nicholas II through the Soviet era to contemporary Russia.

T HIST 365 Europe in the Twentieth Century (5) SSc
Examines major political, social, and cultural developments in twentieth century Europe. Explores the two world wars, fascism and communism as alternatives to parliamentary democracy, the Cold War, and the post-war integration of Europe, with the support of primary sources including cultural artifacts.

T HIST 366 Europe in the Twenty-First Century (5) SSc
Investigates the socioeconomic, environmental, political, and cultural conditions characterizing European integration since 1993. Analyses causal factors and normative policies through readings of primary and secondary sources with an interdisciplinary focus on the history, structures, initiatives, and global relations of the EU.

T HIST 372 Comparative Perspectives on East Asian and Latin American Development (5) SSc
Focuses on two important regions of the world, broadly comparing historical, cultural, and social experiences and relating these differences in experiences in specific Pacific Rim and Latin American countries. Examines how internal dynamics of these regions has shaped their standing in the world economy despite external political and economic constraints.

T HIST 375 British Empire (5) SSc
Examines origins, expansion, and decline of British imperialism at home and abroad. Analyzes culture, society, economics, and politics of British imperialism using scholarly, popular, and primary sources from imperialists, anti-imperialists, colonists, and the colonized. Prerequisite: any 100- or 200-level T HIST course.

T HIST 376 Global Diasporas, Borders, and Refugees in Visual Culture (5) A&H/SSc
Explores global experiences of human displacement and forced migration across time and geographies as expressed through visual culture. Interweaves social and cultural fields of study toward an analysis of visual narratives about diaspora, refuge, borders, and exile. Course overlaps with: AES 480; CHSTU 224; JSIS 278; JSIS A 349; JSIS B 437; and JSIS B 441.

T HIST 377 Art of the Americas (5) A&H
The art of the United States, Mexico, and Canada is united by common historical events. Explores the painting, sculpture, and architecture of these three countries in the context of indigenous cultures, conquest and colonization, revolution, independence, and the search for national identity.

T HIST 378 American Architecture (5) A&H
Examines the architecture of the United States from early Native American structures to late twentieth-century buildings. Focuses on issues concerning style, technology, regionalism, functions, and reform to address the diverse forces that have shaped and continue to shape American architecture.

T HIST 379 Modern Architecture (5) A&H
Examines twentieth-century architecture and its origins. Focuses on issues concerning style, technology, urbanism, regionalism, function, and reform to address the diverse forces that have shaped modern architecture.

T HIST 380 History Methods Research and Writing Seminar (5)
Covers developing a thesis, designing an outline, doing preliminary research, and preparing a history senior paper proposal with annotated bibliography and literature review. Includes required field trips to archival repositories.

T HIST 385 Russian Civilization (5) A&H/SSc
Examines aspects of Russian culture from the perspective of individual Russian cultural figures. Includes: Andrei Rublev and Russian Orthodoxy; the Age of Pushkin; Turgenev and the Populist Tradition; Chaikovsky and the Development of a Russian National Music; the Cinema of Eisenstein; and Socialist Realism from Gorky to Rybakov.

T HIST 410 Early American Politics, Constitution, and Law (5, max. 10) SSc
Explores American political history from a variety of perspectives. Topics vary, including the American Revolution, Constitution and Bill of Rights, political party systems, Jacksonian democracy, nationalism and sectionalism, the Civil War and American laws and lawyers.

T HIST 411 History of Religion in America (5) SSc
Examines the significance of religion in American society from European colonization to the twentieth century. Topics include Puritanism, revivalism, women, slavery, ethnicity and immigration, and pluralism.

T HIST 413 Civil Rights, Civil Liberties (5, max. 10) SSc
Examines the historic personal and community rights, or lack thereof, embodied in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Focuses on the history of efforts to preserve, extend or undermine these rights and on the status of these rights today. May be repeated for credit with instructor's approval.

T HIST 416 Life and Thought: Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and Angela Davis (5) SSc, DIV
Explores the experiences and thinking of three well-known leaders of African-American protest in the 1960s. Interprets black radicalism in that era and the relationship of these three analysts and activists to their times and to the present.

T HIST 417 United States History 1945-Present (5) SSc, DIV
Examines U. S. history from 1945 to present. Examines the social, political, and economic history of the nation. Focuses on the role of culture, social consciousness, political thought, and the confluence of race, class, and gender in shaping U.S. history. Focuses on new developments in American life.

T HIST 420 African-American Religious History (5) SSc, DIV
Examines African-American religious practices from slavery to present. Focuses on the role of religion in African-American culture, racial identify, social consciousness, political thought, oppression and resistance, and the confluence of race, class, and gender in shaping Christianity, Islam, and traditional forms of African worship.

T HIST 430 Introduction to Public History (5) A&H/SSc
Introduces students to the major issues and questions addressed by historians who work in the public sphere. Includes the interpretation of history, the role of history in popular culture, issues and aims in exhibiting history, the politics of public history, and historic preservation. Prerequisite: any T HIST course.

T HIST 437 Doing Community History (5, max. 10) SSc
Involves the student in researching the history of the community, with particular focus on ethnic diversity. Includes primary research in libraries; interviewing residents; transcribing/editing oral memoirs; and writing history. Covers research skills, as well as sensitivity to community values and concerns. May be repeated with instructor's permission.

T HIST 440 Black Labor in America (5) SSc, DIV
Provides an overview and a detailed consideration of the contributions of the black working class to the making of America. Examines historic racial-economic barriers which have held back development of African-American communities, and the continuing causes and possible solutions to the economic crisis affecting black working people today.

T HIST 441 Black Freedom Movement in Perspective (5) SSc, DIV
Explores the historical roots and present-day manifestations of movements against racial oppression and for empowerment in the African-American community, focusing heavily on the period since the 1950s. Includes films, music, and popular as well as academic literature.

T HIST 442 History of African American Education (5) SSc
Explores the historical roots and present-day manifestations of movements against racial oppression and for empowerment in the African-American community, focusing heavily on the period since the 1950s. Sources include films, music, and popular as well as academic literature.

T HIST 444 The Pacific Northwest (5) SSc
Examines the history and society of the Pacific Northwest - that region encompassing modern 糖心原创, Oregon, Idaho, western Montana, British Columbia, and Alaska. Includes topics such as native peoples, exploration and settlement, natural resources, economic development, government, folk culture, ethnicity, and modern problems. Course equivalent to: BIS 424. Course overlaps with: HSTAA 432.

T HIST 445 History of Tacoma (5) SSc
Surveys the history and fabric of 糖心原创 state's second largest urban center. Topics include early settlements, Tacoma as the Pacific terminus of the Northern Pacific Railroad, commercial and social currents, ethnic and political struggle as recurring forces, and the development of regional institutions, local governments, and locally based corporations. Emphasizes architecture, urban planning and growth, and the built environment of Tacoma.

T HIST 451 Renaissance Europe (5) SSc
Development of Renaissance humanism and its influence on culture, politics, and society in fourteenth-, fifteenth-, and sixteenth-century Europe and beyond.

T HIST 452 Art, Culture, and History of the Eternal City (12) A&H/SSc
Uses Rome as a laboratory to understand the role of art, history, and urbanism in the development of Western culture. Addresses the many facets of the cultural development of Rome and Italy, including geography, history, urban design, art, and architecture. Research-based and includes extensive fieldwork.

T HIST 456 North American Regions I&S (5, max. 10) SSc
Examines the various regions of North America in comparative fashion. Topics may include the characteristics of the New England, Southern, frontier, Mississippi Valley, Canadian, Pacific Northwestern, and Southwestern regions of North America.

T HIST 457 Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust (5) SSc
Historical, cultural, psychological, philosophical, and artistic approaches to understanding the Holocaust, including an examination of the role of anti-Semitism, Nazism, eugenics, bureaucracy, technology, attitudes and participation of "ordinary Germans," and the role of army and police units in its formation and execution. Explores implications of the Holocaust for contemporary life.

T HIST 462 History of Vietnam (5) SSc
Examines Vietnamese history, culture, and society from the earliest days through the 1980s.

T HIST 463 Premodern Japan (5) SSc
Explores how, from its prehistory to the 17th century, Japan has blended native traditions with continental Chinese influences to create its own civilization. Examines the political, economic, social, and intellectual factors that have shaped Japan in the premodern age. Provides a background to understanding the development of modern Japan.

T HIST 464 Modern China (5) SSc
Traces the 19th and 20th century Chinese experience through China's struggles to modernize, its revolutionary experience, and the establishment and continuation of communist rule. Examines China's transformation from imperial rule to "People's Republic" by exploring political and economic change, and social, cultural, and intellectual change in an historical framework.

T HIST 465 Modern Japan (5) SSc
Traces the transformation of Japan from a feudal country under Tokugawa military rule in the 19th century to an economic super-power in the 20th century. In addition to historical and political issues, addresses social and cultural topics, as will the clash of traditional Japan with the modern, industrialized West.

T HIST 466 Modern Korea (5) SSc
Traces Korea's transition from traditional Asian state to modern nation emerging on the world economic scene. Explores how, because of its geographic location, Korea has suffered chaotic change in the modern period. Examines Korean society, culture, and politics, looking at Korea's period as a Japanese colony, the division of Korea, the Korean war, and recent developments.

T HIST 467 Siberia and the Russian Far East (5) SSc
Examines the geography and natural resources, peoples, history, literature, culture, and economic development of Siberia and the Russian Far East from their beginnings to the present day.

T HIST 470 The Material World: Art and Artifacts (5/7) A&H
Examines material culture created and used by humans to cope with the physical world. Employs interdisciplinary methods drawing from art history, historical archaeology, anthropology, and museum studies. Uses hands-on study of everyday objects as a means to understand the world around us. Prerequisite: any T HIST course.

T HIST 474 Imperial China (5) SSc
Surveys the social, political, economic, and intellectual history of Imperial China from the earliest times to the 17th century. Provides a background to understanding the development of Asia in general and modern China in particular.

T HIST 475 Twentieth-Century Britain (5) SSc
Examines twentieth century British history, interpreting Britain's global role in the nineteenth century, its decline in the twentieth, and its re-emergence as a Western leader in the twenty-first century . Covers history from the Boer Wars to the 7/7 London bombings. Focuses on Britain in two world wars, the decline of British imperialism, and the effects of both in a globalized world. Course equivalent to: HSTEU 475.

T HIST 477 Reformation and Counter-Reformation Europe (5) A&H
Explores the Reformation and Counter Reformation and their impact on institutions, governments, and individuals from the 16th through the 17th centuries. Examines politics, religion, culture, and intellectual thought in a socioeconomic context. Considers changing emphases, such as Papal Rome, the European courts, and the Dutch Republic.

T HIST 478 Europe in the Nineteenth Century (5) A&H
Examine major political, social, and cultural developments in nineteenth century Europe, such as the Industrial Revolution, class struggle, nationalism, political freedom, and military conflicts. Emphasizes the analysis of social, economic, and political conditions as key influences on cultural production and its expression of the experience of modernity.

T HIST 479 Modern European Culture (5) A&H
Surveys the history of modern European culture from 1870 through 1945. Explores the intersection between the arts, popular culture, intellectual thought, and politics with a focus on individual representatives of the avant-garde.

T HIST 480 Eastern Europe in Transition, 1940-2000 (5)
Examines the peoples and nations of Eastern Europe in times of fundamental change. Includes the impact of the Second World War, the imposition of Stalinism, attempts at liberalization in Hungary and Czechoslovakia, transformation associated with the Gorbachev era, and the region's economic, social, and political future.

T HIST 484 The Pacific War (5) SSc
Traces the Pacific War, examining the emergence of modern Japan, the sources of conflict in Asia and between Japan and the U.S., the battles that comprised the war, the home fronts of the involved nations and the war's end, and its impact on Asia and the world.

T HIST 486 Contemporary Chinese Culture and Society (5) SSc
Examines cultural life in China since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949. Includes political rituals (e.g., struggle sessions); socialist policies (e.g., household registrations, work units); post-Mao social classes and consumerism; and family relations and cultural practices such as gift-giving and relationship building.

T HIST 487 Technology in the Modern World (5) SSc
Examines social, cultural, and historical studies of the role of technology in the modern world. Themes include the unintended consequences of new technologies; the relationship between technology and the environment; production and consumption; and technology's role in forming divisions along lines of race, class, and gender.

T HIST 488 History of Urbanization and the Environment (5) SSc
Addresses the environmental impact of ancient, medieval, and modern cities. Includes the evolution of urban infrastructure and relations between city and countryside.

T HIST 490 Medieval Technology (5) SSc
Examines the nuts and bolts of medieval technology and urban life while exploring larger themes of the gendering of labor, the rebirth of cities, the uneasy relationship to Islamic civilization, and the destruction of the natural world.

T HIST 491 Advanced Topics in the Ancient and Medieval Mediterranean World (5, max. 10) SSc
Explores critically select topics in ancient and medieval Mediterranean studies with an emphasis on new and emerging perspectives and scholarship if the field.

T HIST 495 The Metropolis (5, max. 10) SSc
Examines the problems and opportunities associated with the development of the metropolis. Focuses on the 20th century, and the individual city selected changes, depending on quarter. Begins with an examination of such general issues associated with large cities as economic base, transport, social conditions, culture, and government, moves on to consider in detail one city.

T HIST 497 Senior Thesis (5)
Includes a significant independent research project planned and carried out by the student under the direction of a faculty member on a significant scholarly topic selected by the student in consultation with faculty. Prerequisite: TIAS 380 and approval of thesis proposal.

T HIST 498 History Capstone (5) SSc
Emphasizes analysis of methodological issues and developing students' research and writing skills in history. Includes a significant independent research project planned and carried out by the student to complete senior thesis and portfolio requirements, including the oral presentation. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in either T HIST 380 or TIAS 380.