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THLEAD 350 Critical Analysis and Writing (5)
Focuses on principles of critical analysis, critical reading skills, acquiring peer reviewed research, and developing skills in written and oral communication. Applies critical analysis and writing to health related issues.

THLEAD 360 Healthcare Leadership Strategies (5) SSc
Emphasizes essential healthcare leadership competencies by focusing on communication, collaboration, change mastery, and conflict resolution. Provides essential theoretical leadership foundation and review evidence for specific leadership style. Provides opportunity to discover one's own leadership abilities with respect to each of the discussed competencies.

THLEAD 380 Healthcare Budgetary Analysis and Financial Decision Making (5) SSc
Focuses on budgets commonly encountered in healthcare including operating and capital budgets. Provides methods to analyze financial status including productivity measures, variance analysis, break-even analysis, and evaluation of financial documents as well as introduction to cost effectiveness and cost/benefit analysis strategies. Examines insurance as a revenue source in healthcare budgets. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in either THLEAD 350 or T NURS 350.

THLEAD 403 Introduction to Research in Healthcare (5)
Describes the systematic steps of the research process and provides an overview of healthcare research design. Discusses ethical concepts related to healthcare research. Emphasizes how to use research findings to guide evidence based practice. Course overlaps with: T NURS 403. Prerequisite: THLEAD 350.

THLEAD 405 Health Informatics I: Fundamentals (5)
Introduces core concepts, standards, and regulations of health informatics. Examines design and use of health informatics solutions. Considers influences of medicine, computer science, nursing, public health, patients, individuals and communities on informatics.

THLEAD 406 Health Informatics II: Health Data Analytics (5) NSc
Introduces students to the acquisition, use, storage, and analysis of data in healthcare. Describes influences of selected factors on purposeful use of data. Prerequisite: THLEAD 405; either THLEAD 403 or T NURS 403.

THLEAD 407 Diversity, Health, and Inequities (3/5) SSc, DIV
Focuses on issues of diversity, social determinants of health, and social justice. Uses intersectionality to explore forms of oppression on markers of difference such as race, class, and gender. Analyzes the influence of structural forces on individuals, historically marginalized groups, and the greater society. Course overlaps with: NURS 211 and B NURS 421. Offered: jointly with T NURS 407.

THLEAD 410 Ethical Issues in Healthcare (5) SSc
Identifies ethical issues relevant to healthcare and the profession of nursing. Identifies, describes, and analyzes multiple ethical perspectives, selected ethical dilemmas relevant to professional practice, the delivery of health care, and the health of individuals and populations. Course overlaps with: T PHIL 270 and B NURS 423. Offered: jointly with T NURS 410.

THLEAD 420 Healthcare Accreditation and Legal Issues (5) SSc
Examines critical accreditation and legal issues commonly occurring in healthcare organizations. Focuses on specific accreditation processes and quality issues. Examines patient privacy, access and consent requirements, security requirements, safety challenges, organizational legal issues, and personnel legal issues. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in either THLEAD 350 or T NURS 350.

THLEAD 430 Interpersonal Communication (1-3, max. 3) SSc
Addresses communication skills, patterns, and practices. Examines nonverbal and verbal modes of communication. Explores communicating in a variety of contexts' pertinent to healthcare; for example, cultural, personal, professional, group, conflict, and leadership. Applies conceptual models in interpersonal processes. Offered: jointly with T NURS 430.

THLEAD 460 Personnel Management in Healthcare (5)
Focuses on personnel management topics relevant to healthcare managers/leaders. Examines issues related to recruiting, hiring, orienting, developing, and evaluating healthcare personnel. Explores personnel management labor laws and collective bargaining requirements.

THLEAD 480 Healthcare Leadership Fieldwork (5)
Applies leadership theory and communication strategies in a healthcare work setting, by demonstrating professional behaviors and accountability. Describes and responds to ethical dilemmas encountered by healthcare leaders. Prerequisite: THLEAD 350; THLEAD 360; THLEAD 380; THLEAD 403; T NURS 407/THLEAD 407; THLEAD 420; AND T HLTH 440.

THLEAD 496 Internship (1-10, max. 10)
Engages in experiential learning through an internship. Applied academic knowledge to begin to develop competencies in healthcare leadership role.