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T LAX 225 Latinx/a/o Cultural Expressions (5) A&H, DIV
Addresses the cultural experiences and expressions of immigration, movements, resistance, testimonies, identities, performance, popular culture, and language. Using an interdisciplinary approach, from imaginative literature to social science, we explore Latino communities in the United States and the issues that divide and unite them through cultural and creative practices.

T LAX 238 Latinos in the United States (5) A&H/SSc, DIV
Provides a critical overview of some of the social conditions, structures, and historical dynamics that have shaped the experiences of Latino/a populations in the U.S. Offers an emphasis on Latinos' significant cultural, political, and economic influences, and examines cultural expression to discuss Latino/a perspectives on culture and politics.

T LAX 250 Latinos/as in the Media (5) A&H, DIV
Examines the ways Latino/a communities have been presented in various media industries, such as in film, television, digital content, radio, advertising, literature, music, the press, etc., to understand the politics of production, representation and circulation of Latinidad as framed in the United States.

T LAX 267 Introduction to Chicano/a Literature (5) A&H, DIV
Provides an introduction to chicano/a literature to understand the historical, social, and cultural contexts in which literary works were produced. Topics include issues of hybrid cultures(s), gendered and ethnic identities, social justice, and language in our analyses of novels, short stories, essays, poetry, and drama. No knowledge of Spanish required.

T LAX 277 Latin American Literature (5) A&H
Introduction to Latin American literature in English translation, with emphasis on how literary texts reflect culture. Includes works of fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and drama from Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America.

T LAX 290 Latinx Social Movements (5) SSc, DIV
Examines U.S. Latinx social movements around immigration, language rights, labor, education, arts, and cultural preservation to provide a framework for understanding the complexity of Latinx historical social and political positions through the engagement of interdisciplinary texts.

T LAX 333 US Latino Histories (5) SSc, DIV
Examines the histories of Latino Americans as created and claimed from Latinx perspectives. Students develop insight into how historical, processes shape diverse Latinx experiences and social and cultural contexts (including various regional and transnational contexts) with a nuanced understanding and focus on the lived experiences of local Latino communities. Recommended: T LAX 238, or 5 credits in a related field at the 200-level in T EGL, T HIST, T AMST, T SOC, or placement in 300-level TSPAN.

T LAX 340 Religions in Las Americas (5) SSc, DIV
Investigates transnational religious expressions within Latin America and their influence on social, cultural and political experiences of Latino populations. Studies indigenous beliefs, orthodox, popular and liberationist Catholicism, African-Latino religious expressions, traditional and charismatic Protestantism and new religious expressions as they relate to identity, resistance, conformity throughout the Americas.

T LAX 355 Migration and the Transnational Family in Latino Literature and Film (5) A&H/SSc, DIV
Focuses on contemporary Latin American migration to the U.S. and transnational families in U.S. Latino texts and films. Topics include factors that perpetuate transnational migration, the personal impact of migration, and the consequent re-negotiation of gender, national, and ethnic identities. No knowledge of Spanish required.

T LAX 356 Latinx Urban Communities (5) SSc, DIV
Introduces Latinx urbanism, an interdisciplinary area of inquiry seeking to understand the impact of Latinx people on U.S. cities and metropolitan areas. Drawing from urban studies, cultural studies, rhetorical studies, and cultural geography, examines historical and contemporary issues affecting Latinx populations, as well the ways Latinx people are at the center of urban life in the U.S.

T LAX 360 Latinx Performance Histories (5) A&H, DIV
Introduces Latinx performance histories while examining the social and historical context that produces Latinx creative output and introducing a framework that provides the language to discuss a Latinx performance aesthetic. Emphasis is placed on texts and performances reflective of a hybrid culture and language.

T LAX 376 Latin American Film (5) A&H
Examines the ways in which Latin American film reflects history, society, class, and gender issues. Develops understanding of film as an art form within a specific formal cultural context. Films in Spanish or Portuguese with English subtitles. No knowledge of Spanish required.

T LAX 380 Latinx Sexualities (5) SSc, DIV
Examines the gendered and sexual dimensions of Latina/o and Latinx experiences. Considers the multiplicity and intersections of identities, practices, spaces, and issues from a feminist perspective. Students analyze the ways Latinx sexualities appear in, and are constructed and contested through the media, policy and legal discourses, and other cultural production.

T LAX 400 Afro-Hispanic Culture (5) A&H
Uses literary texts in translation, film, music, and art as a basis for exploring the importance of Afro-Hispanic in the development of the cultural richness of Latin America. Focus on issues of race, gender, self-representation and nationalism from an interdisciplinary perspective.

T LAX 410 Caribbean Basin: Selected Topics (5, max. 10) SSc
Covers selected themes concerning the region comprised of the Caribbean Islands, Central America, Venezuela, and Colombia. May be repeated for credit with instructor's approval.

T LAX 435 Popular Movements in Latin America (5) SSc
Examines popular movements in Latin America, including historical background of modern popular organizations, an analysis of the evolution of the discourse surrounding the terms "popular movement," "social movement," and "civil society." Discusses contemporary trade unionism, grass-roots peoples' initiatives, cooperative movements, guerrilla organizations, human rights groups, and feminist movements.

T LAX 441 Mexican Cinema and Society (5) SSc/A&H
Examines development of Mexican cinema in its historical and social context. Covers how films reflect history, society, class, and gender issues. Provides an understanding of Mexican culture, and of film as an art form. No knowledge of Spanish is required.

T LAX 461 Contemporary Mexican Culture (5) A&H
Uses contemporary literary texts in translation, film, music, and art as a basis for exploring the ways Mexicans see themselves and the world around them. Focuses on class, race, and gender issues from an interdisciplinary perspective. Taught in English. Topics vary.

T LAX 462 Women in Latin America (5) A&H/SSc, DIV
Uses memoirs, letters, histories, biographies, literary texts in translation, film, and music as a means of exploring the lives of women in Latin America. Examines a variety of gender issues from an interdisciplinary perspective. No knowledge of Spanish required.

T LAX 463 Contemporary Cuban Culture (5) A&H
Examines contemporary Cuban literature in English translation, film, music, dance, and the visual arts in Cuba as a representation of cultural identity. Focuses on class, race, and gender issues from an interdisciplinary perspective. Includes work by Cubans on the island and in exile. No knowledge of Spanish required.

T LAX 465 Latin American Visual Arts (5) A&H
Uses visual art as a basis for exploring different cultural/historical issues in Latin America in the twentieth century. Focuses on issues of colonization, self-representation, nationalisms, globalizations, and cultural appropriation from an interdisciplinary perspective.

T LAX 476 Latin American Women Writers (5) A&H
Examines novels, short stories, poetry, drama, and essays by contemporary Latin American women writers. Includes such themes as dictatorship, political and sexual repression, colonialism, racism, class issues, and the obstacles faced by women writers in a society where they are often considered second-class citizens.