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T NURS 340 Clinical Nursing Phenomena (3)
Examines selected clinical phenomena from the perspective of a range of human responses to life events and alterations in health status and illness. Identifies relationships of selected nursing therapies in treating human responses and the influence of life span and socio-cultural factors.

T NURS 345 Genetics, Genomics, and Nursing Practice (1)
Focuses on the role of genetics and genomics in health, patient care, and nursing practice.

T NURS 350 Critical Analysis and Writing (3)
Focuses on critical thinking and writing relevant to learning and practice in nursing and healthcare. Applies critical analysis to health-related issues.

T NURS 360 Critical Analysis and Nursing Scholarship (5) RSN
Describes the systematic steps of scholarship and critical thinking for nursing and healthcare practice. Focuses on identifying evidence-based research, critical thinking and writing relevant to learning and practice in nursing and healthcare.

T NURS 402 Families and Chronic Conditions across the Life Span (3) SSc
Examines families with chronic conditions across the life span. Reviews facilitators and barriers that promote or impede chronic care management by families. Focuses on family function, structure, process, and environmental context including support networks, community resources, and healthcare settings as they influence care outcomes.

T NURS 403 Introduction to Research in Nursing and Healthcare (3) RSN
Describes the systematic steps of the research process. Introduces approaches, frameworks, and concepts used in investigating healthcare and nursing problems. Emphasizes integration of research findings related to evidence-based healthcare and nursing practice. Course overlaps with: THLEAD 403. Prerequisite: either THLEAD 350 or T NURS 350; either T HLTH 305, TMATH 110, or one 100-300 level STAT course.

T NURS 407 Diversity, Health, and Inequities (3/5) SSc, DIV
Focuses on issues of diversity, social determinants of health, and social justice. Uses intersectionality to explore forms of oppression on markers of difference such as race, class, and gender. Analyzes the influence of structural forces on individuals, historically marginalized groups, and the greater society. Course overlaps with: NURS 211 and B NURS 421. Offered: jointly with THLEAD 407.

T NURS 410 Ethical Issues in Healthcare (5) SSc
Identifies ethical issues relevant to healthcare and the profession of nursing. Identifies, describes, and analyzes multiple ethical perspectives, selected ethical dilemmas relevant to professional practice, the delivery of health care, and the health of individuals and populations. Course overlaps with: T PHIL 270 and B NURS 423. Offered: jointly with THLEAD 410.

T NURS 412 Health Care Systems (3)
Analyzes health care systems. Emphasizes U.S. healthcare system evolution, financing, quality, access, and technology.

T NURS 414 Health, Communities, and Populations (5) SSc
Applies community and public health nursing principles to prevent disease and promote health. Addresses the importance of working collaboratively to facilitate community and population health. Prerequisite: T NURS 360.

T NURS 420 Care Coordination and Person-Centered Care (5)
Provides introduction to person-centered care coordination and management. Examines issues and challenges in interprofessional collaboration across continuum of care for individuals and families. Explores the use of information technology to facilitate care coordination and management. Course overlaps with: B NURS 422.

T NURS 430 Interpersonal Communication (1-3, max. 3) SSc
Addresses communication skills, patterns, and practices. Examines nonverbal and verbal modes of communication. Explores communicating in a variety of contexts' pertinent to healthcare; for example, cultural, personal, professional, group, conflict, and leadership. Applies conceptual models in interpersonal processes. Offered: jointly with THLEAD 430.

T NURS 435 Nursing Leadership (3)
Emphasizes leadership styles, theories, and the role of nurses as organizational change agents and health policy advocates. Addresses team collaboration and conflict resolution.

T NURS 440 Interprofessional Collaboration and Communication (5)
Focuses on interprofessional collaboration in the delivery of health services across systems of care. Explores frameworks for engaging in effective and professional communication with individuals, peers, and other health system stakeholders. Examines leadership role at individual and systems levels to improve equitable health outcomes. Course overlaps with: B NURS 422.

T NURS 450 Transition to Baccalaureate Education (1, max. 9)
Assists students with transition to baccalaureate education and with portfolio development. Provides opportunity for students to participate in a learning community. Credit/no-credit only.

T NURS 451 Portfolio Completion (1)
Addresses progress towards meeting BSN program goals. Summarizes how completion of the BSN program has influenced current and future practice. Credit/no-credit only.

T NURS 460 Leading Health Care System Quality and Safety (5)
Analyzes the organization of the U.S. health care system and emphasizes the multiple factors, structures, and data technologies that create the framework for the health care delivery system. Emphasizes nursing role as change agents and system leaders to advance equitable, safe, and quality health care interventions to diverse populations. Course overlaps with: B NURS 420.

T NURS 497 Selected Topics in Nursing (1-12, max. 12)
Survey and discussion of current literature and topics in nursing. Seminar with analysis and discussion of selected topics and readings. May have clinical component. Emphasizes implications for nursing and health care.

T NURS 498 Special Project in Nursing (1-12, max. 12)
Further development, critical examination, and synthesis of nursing care in a specialized setting. Increasing depth of clinical practice, including care to groups and communities as clients, applying leadership skills, assessing problems affecting quality health care delivery.

T NURS 499 Undergraduate Research (1-5, max. 12)
Supervised individual research on a specific nursing problem.

T NURS 503 Advanced Nursing Practicum I (3)
Provides students with a substantive practicum experience in their setting of interest. Assists students in delineating master's level nursing practice roles and applying theoretical concepts in a real-world context. Prerequisite: T NURS 510; T NURS 512; T NURS 527; T NURS 539; T NURS 551; and T NURS 554. Credit/no-credit only.

T NURS 505 Advanced Nursing Practicum II (3)
Provides students with a substantive practicum experience in their setting of interest. Assists students in delineating master's level nursing practice roles and applying theoretical concepts in a real-world context. Prerequisite: T NURS 503; T NURS 510; T NURS 512; T NURS 527; T NURS 539; T NURS 551; and T NURS 554. Credit/no-credit only.

T NURS 510 Ethical and Equitable Care (5)
Explores how socioeconomic, ecological, and global factors affect the health of individuals and populations, the delivery of health care, and disparities. Considers means through which health can be supported through the provision of ethical and equitable care. Evaluates the effectiveness and sustainability of partnerships, interventions, and policies for achieving health equity.

T NURS 511 Curriculum Development in Nursing and Health Education (3)
Theoretical rationale for curriculum development that reflects contemporary health trends. Bases curricula design and implementation decisions on educational principles, theory, and research.

T NURS 512 Facilitating Learning for Healthcare Practice (5)
Examines educational principles, technologies, theories, and evidence to guide the development of effective and equitable curricula and educational practices. Applies principles of planning, assessment, and evaluation to educational interventions in academic and healthcare delivery settings.

T NURS 513 Theories and Methods of Teaching and Learning (3)
Addresses theories and methods of teaching and learning, tools and resources for teaching, role development, and current issues faced by those who teach in higher education and staff development. Partly Web-based. Course overlaps with: B HLTH 513.

T NURS 523 Assessment and Planning for Healthcare Leaders (3)
Survey of concepts, approaches, and tools used to identify health issues and measure health status in select communities, populations, or groups. Covers processes used to lead and conduct assessments and plan programs to address health concerns. Considers policies and other macro-level factors influencing assessment and program planning. Prerequisite: TNURS 557 or permission of instructor.

T NURS 527 Healthcare Systems, Policy, and Improvement (5)
Focuses leading within complex systems to improve healthcare outcomes. Explores the role of health policies including the role of advocacy for improving practice and advancing equitable healthcare outcomes. Explores a variety of theories and methods to improve healthcare outcomes. Emphasizes the importance of interprofessional partnerships in the provision of safe, high-quality, compassionate and equitable care to diverse populations.

T NURS 539 The Science and Art of Leading and Managing in Healthcare (5)
Uses the framework of ethical leadership to develop leadership skills. Explores strategic management, communication, and decision-making skills as tools to create a safe, healthy, just, diverse, equitable, and inclusive interprofessional learning and practice environment. Examines healthcare finance and strategies to address challenges of optimizing human and fiscal resources in a dynamic, changing healthcare environment.

T NURS 545 Essential Skills for Healthcare Leaders (3)
Provides an in-depth exploration of essential skills for leaders in healthcare organizations, including crisis management, negotiation, responding to disruptive behaviors, creating psychologically safe workplaces, conflict resolution and providing feedback. Explores the links between self-awareness, emotional intelligence and leadership skills. Course overlaps with: B NURS 530.

T NURS 548 Biopsychosocial Interventions for Advanced Nursing Practice (5)
Integrates an understanding of pharmacology, genetics/genomics/pharmacogenetics, and the cost of pharmacological interventions and other interventions in the facilitation of ethical, equitable, cost-effective financial and programmatic decision-making for advanced nursing practice in caring for individuals, families, and communities in the management of chronic diseases, infectious diseases, and disaster response.

T NURS 550 Seminar on Professional Issues in Nursing Education (3)
Seminar on role and related professional issues in nursing education. Prerequisite: either NSG 545, B NURS 513, or T NURS 513; either NSG 546, B NURS 511, or T NURS 511. Offered: jointly with B NURS 550/NSG 550.

T NURS 551 Applying Research for Evidence-Based and Innovative Practice (5)
Analyzes conceptual, theoretical, and empirical knowledge as foundations for evidence-based practice. Examines methodological approaches to scholarly inquiry and the research process from problem identification through translation.

T NURS 552 Organizational and Systems Leadership (3)
Demonstrates how leadership and decision making skills influence healthcare. Focuses on understanding influence of change strategies, systems theory, and economic factors on complex healthcare environments. Describes role of nurses in designing and implementing new models of care and participating in inter-professional teams.

T NURS 554 Healthcare Informatics, Quality, and Safety (5)
Uses informatics and healthcare technology to evaluate interventions and outcome data to inform decision-making to reduce health risks, improve access to care and health outcomes, and understand practice patterns. Describes health informatics tools and principles of learning used to teach patients and promote lifelong learning of care providers and others. Course overlaps with: B HLTH 540.

T NURS 556 Quality and Safety in Healthcare Settings (3)
Examines methods, tools, performance measurements, and outcome indicators related to safety and quality improvement. Emphasizes the roles of collaboration, inter-professional teams, and communication in improving patient safety and health outcomes.

T NURS 557 Population Health, Health Promotion, and Clinical Prevention (3)
Examines concepts of population health, health promotion, and clinical prevention. Considers issues of culture and context in designing, delivering, and evaluating interventions that improve health outcomes for individuals, families, communities, and populations. Emphasizes collaborative approaches to improve health outcomes.

T NURS 558 Individual Health Assessment (3)
Provides framework for systematic collection, organization, and communication of health-related data reflecting health status of individuals throughout the lifespan. Addresses physical examination skills. Addresses influence of developmental, psychosocial, and cultural factors. Examines pharmacology and other therapies.

T NURS 561 Program Design, Implementation, and Evaluation (3)
Examines health program design, implementation, and evaluation. Explores models of implementation and evaluation. Applies leadership principles towards program implementation and sustainability. Course overlaps with: B HLTH 534. Prerequisite: T NURS 557; T NURS 523 or permission of instructor.

T NURS 590 Special Topics in Nursing (2-3, max. 9)
Analyzes current research, issues, and application of selected topics in nursing; may have clinical component. Emphasizes implications for nursing and health care.

T NURS 596 Scholarly Inquiry: Course Work Option (1)
Culmination of the course work option for scholarly inquiry. Application of scholarly inquiry (problem solving, critical thinking, and research). Credit/no-credit only.

T NURS 597 Scholarly Inquiry: Project Seminar Option (1)
Scholarly inquiry culminating in a written proposal. Prerequisite: T NURS 551. Credit/no-credit only.

T NURS 598 Scholarly Inquiry (6)
Focuses on principles of synthesis, translation, application, and dissemination of nursing knowledge to improve health and advanced nursing specialty practice. Credit/no-credit only.

T NURS 599 Selected Readings in Nursing Science (1-3, max. 18)

T NURS 600 Independent Study or Research (*-)
Credit/no-credit only.

T NURS 700 Master's Thesis (*-)
Credit/no-credit only.