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T SUD 222 Introduction to Sustainability (5) SSc
Provides an introduction to the global goal of sustainability and surveys policies and techniques associated with current sustainability initiatives in diverse metropolitan environments. Includes a discussion of scientific debates; conflicts within and between societies at different levels of economic development; key policy arenas for action; and common methods used to further sustainability values.

T SUD 240 The City and Nature (5) SSc
Examines connections between urban and environmental conditions by investigating the social and material production of urban nature. Challenges conceptual barriers between nature and the city that have evolved over time and considers new strategies for achieving both environmental sustainability and social justice in the city.

T SUD 425 Social Justice and Urban Sustainability (3) SSc
Examines sustainable urban development from a social justice perspective. Draws from key theories and practices to explore how and why to incorporate social justice into sustainable urban development politics and policies and the challenges facing such efforts.

T SUD 444 Green Internationalism and the City (5) SSc
Explores the influence of global ecological politics on urban policy and development as well as the impacts that new forms of urbanization have on global ecological politics. Interrogates key interdisciplinary debates within global political economy, political ecology, and urban studies.

T SUD 445 Urban Ecology (5) SSc
Multidisciplinary approach to the study of dynamic interactions among human and ecological systems in urban settings. Covers processes of urbanization and urbanization's impacts on the earth's ecology. Specific themes include how socioeconomic factors and human preferences drive urban patterns and how these patterns affect ecological processes and cause ecological change.

T SUD 475 Community and Economy (5) SSc
Explores the connections between economic practices and local community development under conditions of global, political, and economic interconnectedness. Critically examines the spatial character of capitalist economic behavior and considers a range of challenges confronting efforts to build sustainable and equitable local economies.

T SUD 494 Sustainable Urban Development Research (1-5, max. 15)
Individual research projects in urban sustainability carried out under the supervision of an Urban Studies faculty. Prerequisite: T URB 101; T URB 102; either T URB 200 or T URB 350; and T SUD 222.

T SUD 498 Sustainable Urban Development Internship (3-5, max. 15)
Provides opportunities to gain experience and apply concepts taught through the Sustainable Urban Development curriculum. Involves learning skills and applying knowledge by working directly with public, non-profit, and private sector organizations concerned with urban sustainability issues. Credit/no-credit only.