Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for
T WOMN 101 Introduction to Women's Studies (5) SSc, DIV
Surveys the roles and status of women in the US; the process of gender socialization; the intersection of gender with identities such as race, class, and sexual orientation; the history and experience of women; and feminist theory and practice.
T WOMN 205 Introduction to Masculinities (5) SSc
Examines the key concepts of masculinities studies, analyzes the roles that men adopt, and explores how these roles are implicated in the development of male identity. Also explores the diversity of masculinities within American society.
T WOMN 211 Women in Science (5) SSc, DIV
Examines the contribution of women in science and technology throughout history and the impact these women have made on society. Emphasizes the effects of institutions, work, family, and mentors on the development of women in science and technology. Course overlaps with: BST 205.
T WOMN 250 Seminar in Service Learning: A Feminist Approach (5) SSc
Introduces students to a variety of different Tacoma agencies and requires them to participate in service projects that connect feminist theory to work being done in the community by local organizations. Uses blogs, wikis, and other new media to facilitate online reflection and class discussion.
T WOMN 251 Popular Culture and Gender (5) SSc, DIV
Introduces the ways in which masculinity and femininity are produced through popular culture. Analyzes cultural product such as movies, advertisements, images, books, toys, etc. to understand how gender is constructed, how these constructions become cultural norms, and how these popular assumptions about gender impact our own lives.
T WOMN 302 Research Methods in Women Studies (5) SSc
Explores appropriate research methodologies for interdisciplinary work in women studies. Examines current debates and issues in feminist methodologies and critiques of methodology. Use of historical documents and theoretical texts. Computer applications in research in women studies. Course equivalent to: GWSS 302. Prerequisite: either T WOMN 101, T WOMN 205, or T EGL 101.
T WOMN 345 Women and Work in the United States (5) SSc
Studies the fundamental changes and continuities in women's work lives in the context of U.S. economic development. Examines multiplicity and diversity of women's work contributions, both paid and unpaid. Highlights both the commonalties among women's work experiences and the differences with regard to life-cycle stage, occupation, and race/ethnicity.
T WOMN 347 History of Women in the United States (5) SSc
Surveys the history of women in the United States from the 1600s to the present. Explores social, political, and economic forces that have shaped women's lives, and the diversity of women's experiences rooted in class, race, and ethnicity. Considers the contributions of women's history to the larger discipline of history.
T WOMN 420 Women in the Global Economy (5) SSc
Explores impact of "modernization" and "development" on status and roles of women in selected Western and non-Western societies. Critical analysis of assumptions about women's responses to social change which have guided research, development planning. Examines cultural practices, economic arrangements, government policies to understand opportunities and obstacles confronting women in developing countries today.
T WOMN 434 Women's Voices: Transnational Testimonials (5) SSc
Explores the "testimonials" of women from selected regions in Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America. Examines women's voices in testimonial, autobiographical, biographical, ethnographic, and fictional literature. Discusses historical and sociological significance of women's '"testimonials'. Explores issues of race/ethnicity, class, and gender.
T WOMN 455 Contemporary Theories in Gender and Sexuality Studies (5) SSc, DIV
Examines contemporary and influential theories in gender-sexuality studies. Delves into feminist theory and the production of knowledge to consider the history of different schools of thought including emergent theories to challenge prevailing ways of thinking and theorizing gender studies and consider its political, social, and cultural legacies. Recommended: T WOMN 101 or T EGL 101.
T WOMN 460 Men, Masculinities, and Emotions (5) SSc
Explores the myths and realities of the emotions of men. Analyzes theories and research that illuminate how men experience and perform emotions through the lens of masculinities studies and various social science disciplines. Identities implications for the psychosocial health of men and women.