Summer Study 2002 - Thursday, August 8
Breakfast (Haggett Hall Cafeteria, Kitchen Level)
Phase I Open Computer Lab (OUGL Collab2, 1st Floor)
Phase II Meet in McCarty Entrance Lobby (3rd Floor, Lobby Level) to depart for Phase II Workshops.
Phase I: Web Portfolio Computer Lab
College: You Can DO-IT Rebecca Cory, Doctoral Student, Syracuse University (OUGL Collab2, 1st Floor)
- Learn strategies to search for the college program that suits you.
Phase II Workshops:
- The Game of Life and Image Processing (Sieg Hall 228) Richard Ladner, Professor, Computer Science Professor, ÌÇÐÄÔ´´
- Human Interface Technology Lab (Fluke Hall 215) Suzanne Weghorst, Assistant Director for Research, Human Interface Technology
- Computer Usability Testing (LUTE Lab, Engineering Library) Microsoft and UW Technical Communications Department
- National Park Service: Working with Students and Visitors with Disabilities (Sieg Hall 231) Mike Dedman, Educator, National Park Service
Phase I Snack Break (Outside OUGL Main Entrance, 1st Floor)
Phase I: Web Portfolio Computer Lab
College: You Can DO-IT Rebecca Cory, Doctoral Student, Syracuse University (OUGL Collab2, 1st Floor)
Open Computer Lab (Optional) (OUGL Collab2, 1st Floor)
Lunch (HUB Food Court, Ground Floor)
- Visiting (outside HUB Main Entrance, 1st Floor)
Phase II: Study for Success! Al Suoma, Seattle Central Community College (HUB 106B, 1st Floor)
- Learn the top 10 strategies to improve your study habits.
Phase I: Business, Technology, and Entrepeneurship (HUB Room 209AB, 2nd Floor) Terri Snyder, Assistant Director, Center for Technology Entrepeneurship
- Learn about the latest innovations in business technology.
Phase II Snack Break (HUB 106B, 1st Floor)
Phase I Snack Break (HUB Room 209AB, 2nd Floor)
Phase II: You Can DO-IT! Practicing Your Interviewing Skills (HUB 106B, 1st Floor) Michael Richardson, DO-IT Project Coordinator
- Get first hand experience practicing your interviewing skills with representatives from local companies and organizations.
Phase I: You Can DO-IT: Articulating Your Needs and Communicating with Faculty (HUB Room 209AB 2nd Floor) , DO-IT Director
- View video: Working Together: Faculty and Students with Disabilities
- Meet UW professors and participate in a role playing exercise.
Meet in McCarty Hall Main Entrance Lobby to depart for Gould Hall
BBQ Dinner (Gould Hall, 3949 15th Ave. NE: 1st Floor, enter on University Way)
DO-IT Dance (Gould Hall, 3949 15th Ave. NE: 1st Floor, enter on University Way)
Depart Gould at 9:00, 9:30 or 10:00
Goodnight! All Scholars must be in their rooms at McCarty Hall.