Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for
BISGWS 301 Critical Gender and Sexuality Studies (5) SSc
Explores how sex, gender and sexuality studies has emerged. Examines intersections of gender and sexuality with race, ethnicity, dis/ability, class and nation in order to understand the key terms guiding inquiry in gender and sexuality studies. Course overlaps with: GWSS 200.
BISGWS 302 Histories and Movements of Gender and Sexuality (5) SSc, DIV
Studies a variety of women's, feminist, and gender and sexuality justice movements around the world. Topics may include: women in armed revolutionary movements; queer activism; embodied protests; civil rights and anti-racism movements; labor activism; and feminist movements.
BISGWS 303 Approaches to Feminist Inquiry (5) SSc, DIV
Explores approaches to knowledge (epistemologies) and investigative practices (methodologies). Analyzes how feminist theories are translated into cultural practices. Addresses the intersections and tensions within and between feminist theories, including how and where feminist scholars understand and problematize power relations.