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Course Descriptions

Each course listing includes prefix, course number, title and credits. Each listing also may include general education designator(s), names of instructor(s), description of the course, prerequisite(s), and quarter(s) offered.

Specific information on courses offered in a particular quarter appears in the quarterly

Course Numbers

100-299 Lower-division courses primarily for freshmen and sophomores.

300-499 Upper-division courses primarily for juniors, seniors, and postbaccalaureate (fifth-year) students. Graduate students may enroll in 300- and 400-level courses. When acceptable to the major department and the Graduate School, approved 400-level courses may be applied as graduate credit in the major field and approved 300-level courses may be applied in the supporting field(s).

500- Restricted to graduate students. (Courses numbered in the 500 and 600 series with P suffix denote professional courses for students in the schools of Dentistry and Medicine, and such courses may not be applied as graduate credit in the Graduate School.) Undergraduate, postbaccalaureate, and nonmatriculated students who wish to register for 500-level courses must obtain permission from the instructor of the class, departmental Chair, or other designated person.

Graduate courses numbered 600, 601, 700, 750, or 800 are restricted to students in the Graduate School. They appear by number and title only where applicable under the departmental course listings in this catalog. Descriptions for these courses are listed below.

(PREFIX) 600 Independent Study or Research(*)

Individual readings or study, including independent study in preparation for doctoral examinations, research, etc. Prerequisite: permission of Supervisory Committee or graduate program advisor.

(PREFIX) 600 Internship (3-9, max. 9)

Internship required of students in a graduate degree program. Permission of Supervisory Committee chair or graduate program advisor is a prerequisite.

(PREFIX) 700 Master's Theses (*)

Research for the master's thesis, including research preparataory or related thereto. Limited to premaster graduate students (i.e., those who have not yet completed the master's degree in their major field at the University of 糖心原创). Prerequisite: permission of Supervisory Committee or graduate program advisor.

(PREFIX) 750 Internship (*)

Internship required of all graduate students in the Doctor of Arts degree program.

(PREFIX) 800 Doctoral Dissertation (*)

Research for the doctoral dissertation and research preparatory or related thereto. Limited to graduate students who have completed the master's degree or the equivalent, or Candidate-level graduate students. Premaster students initiating doctoral dissertation research should register for 600. Prerequisite: permission of Supervisory Committee or graduate program advisor.

Credit Designation

Art 100 (5) 5 credits are received for the quarter.

Art 101-102 (5-5) Hyphenated course. Credit is earned, but may not be applied toward graduation until the entire sequence is completed. (An N grade may be given the first quarter and the final grade the second quarter.)

Art 100 (5-) Course may take longer than one quarter to complete. Repeated registration may be necessary. An N grade is received until the final grade is submitted.

Art 100 (2, max. 8) 2 credits per quarter; course may be repeated up to four times to earn a maximum of 8 credits.

Art 100 (1-5) Up to 5 credits may be taken in a given quarter. Specific number is determined in consultation with instructor of adviser. When a maximum is not stated, the limit of the credit range is also the maximum allowable credit for the course.

Art 100 (1-5, max. 15) Up to 5 credits may be taken in a given quarter. Course may be repeated to a maximum of 15 credits.

Art 100 (*, max. 10) Credit to be arranged per quarter; course may be repeated to a maximum of 10 credits.

Art 100 (3/5) 3 or 5 credits are earned in a given quarter. Specific amount is determined by school or college offering the course. The Time Schedule may indicate 3 credits, 5 credits, or 3 or 5 credits. Credits may vary by section.

Art 100 (3/5, max. 15) 3 or 5 credits are earned in a given quarter. Course may be repeated to earn a maximum of 15 credits.

Art 700 (*) Credit is to be arranged with school or college offering the course. No maximum stated. Only 600-, 700-, and 800-level courses do not require a maximum.

Undergraduate General Education Requirement Designators

VLPA Visual, Literary, and Performing Arts (Areas of Knowledge requirement).

I&S Individuals & Societies (Areas of Knowledge requirement).

NW The Natural World (Areas of Knowledge requirement).

QSR Quantitative, Symbolic, or Formal Reasoning

C English Composition

Courses marked C may be used for the English Composition requirement or the additional-writing (W-course) requirement, but not both; none may count for the Area of Knowledge requirements. Courses marked QSR may be used for both the QSR requirement and an Area of Knowledge requirement, if one is listed. Courses marked with more than one Areas of Knowledge designator (VLPA, I&S, and/or NW) may be used for any one of the areas indicated, but not for more than one.

Background Required

Prerequisites Courses to be completed or conditions to be met before a students is eligible to enroll in a specific course.

Quarters Offered

A, W, Sp, S indicates the quarter(s) the course is offered.

A = Autumn, W= Winter, Sp = Spring, S = Summer.


Art 100 AWSP Art 100 offered Autumn, Winter, and Spring Quarters.

Art 100, 101 A, W Art 100 offered Autumn Quarter. Art 101 offered Winter Quarter.

Art 100, 101 AW, WSp Art 100 offered Autumn and Winter quarters. Art 101 offered Winter and Spring quarters.

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