Computing students and professionals are involved in a diverse variety of interesting projects. Check out the sorts of activities you could be involved with if you have a career in computing.

You could:

  • Develop a robotic arm to help people with physical disabilities reach for objects on a table or shelf or an that helps people with physical disabilities walk.
  • Create a web-based screen reader like that provide blind web users equal access to the web from any computer without requiring the installation of special, expensive software.
  • Build a robot controlled wirelessly through thoughts and facial gestures.
  • Help computers learn to .
  • Explore ways to help people with motor impairments type accurately when they use computers.
  • Develop an that lets riders know when to expect the next bus.
  • Build a to allow people with visual impairments use their cell phones to get answers to simple questions.
  • Develop, build, and program any machine your imagination can dream up through .
  • Help research that can be controlled and moved just by thinking.
  • Build that react to the scene ahead of the car.