DO-IT videos promote the success of people with disabilities, particularly in school and work settings. DO-IT videos play in a custom accessible media player with audio description and transcripts provided. They can be downloaded, viewed on , or ordered on DVD. The Search Video Library feature enables users to search the full text of all videos and begin playing videos at specific start times from the search results. Most videos are accompanied by a brochure with additional content and resources.
DO-IT Video Library
University presidents, chief information officers, and other (IT) leaders discuss the importance of and strategies for making IT accessible campus-wide.2013
University presidents, chief information officers, and other (IT) leaders discuss the importance of and strategies for making IT accessible campus-wide.2012
Participants describe key aspects of the DO-IT Scholars program for high school students with disabilities.2011, 2004
Career development staff share ideas for making services accessible to students with disabilities.2011, 2000
Employers in cooperative education, internship, and other work-based learning programs show how to fully include participants with disabilities.2011, 1998
College students with disabilities tell about the value of work-based learning experiences and how to get these opportunities.2011, 1997
Educators and students tell how science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) activities can be made accessible and how students with disabilities can prepare for these fields.2011
Veterans and postsecondary educators share strategies that create welcoming and accessible environments for wounded warriors.2010
Mack, a high school senior with cerebral palsy, talks about the importance of a positive outlook on life, how accommodations such as speech recognition software have helped him complete assignments for school, and his career plans.2009
Heidi, a college student on the autism spectrum, talks about starting a high school club for students with disabilities, learning communication and technical skills, and experiencing the DO-IT Scholars Program.2009
Alexandra, a college senior who has a visual impairment, discusses her work as a science major, her career goals, accommodations she uses, and her experiences with the DO-IT Scholars program.2009
People who design and support websites share how to make web pages accessible to people with disabilities.2009
Nathan, a college freshman with a disability, discusses his hobbies, career goals, academic studies, and technology that assists with math and reading.2009
Maria, a college freshman, discusses her academic interests, how accessible technology helps her complete school work, and how she found the resources she needed as a student with a disability applying for college.2009
Following guidelines can make a postsecondary institution welcoming and accessible to everyone, including students, faculty, and staff with disabilities.2007
Teens with disabilities share their interests, activities, showing that their disabilities are only one aspect of their identity.2007
Student self-determination combined with effective accommodations for disabilities with learning disabilities, attention deficits, autism spectrum disorders, and other issues that are not readily apparent can result in successful outcomes.2007
Five teens with disabilities share how they live self-determined, fulfilling lives.2006
Two high school students with disabilities share how they succeed in school and otherwise live self-determined lives.2006
The application of universal design principles can make libraries accessible to all visitors.2005