
DO-IT, its staff, mentors, and collaborators have received many local, regional, and national awards, including those listed below. To learn more about the awardsÌýDO-IT has presented, visit the DO-IT Trailblazers and AccessComputing Capacity Building award pages.

  • 2021
    Presented to DO-IT Director Sheryl BurgstahlerÌýfor being aÌýrole model to the national community of excellence in technology and/or STEM.
  • 2017 Induction into the
    DO-IT was inducted for its comprehensive mentoring program and its position as the longest standing online mentoring community for individuals with disabilities in the world.
  • 2017ÌýÌý(±«°Â-±õ°Õ)Ìý
    Presented to the Accessible Technology Services AccessibilityÌýTeam for achievement, collaboration, and excellence in working to meet the requirements of the new ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ State Policy #188.
  • 2015ÌýÌý(±«°Â-±õ°Õ)Ìý
    Presented to the DO-IT Website Project Team for achievement, collaboration, and excellence in converting the DO-IT website to Drupal and releasing DO-IT mobile.
  • 2014 Ìý(±«°Â-±õ°Õ)Ìý
    Presented to the eText Pilot Team, including Access Technology Center manager Dan Comden, for completing a year long study that assessed faculty and student experiences regardingÌýeTextbooks.
  • 2012 (±«°Â-±õ°Õ)Ìý
    Presented to theÌýAccessComputing project team.
  • ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ (UW)ÌýSpotlight Award
    Presented to Scott Bellman, DO-IT program manager, for his tireless efforts in supporting the goals of the DO-IT Center's projects.
  • 2012ÌýStrache Leadership Award
    Presented at the 2012 International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference to Sheryl Burgstahler, DO-IT founder and director, in honor of her work with students as an educator and mentor while remaining a leader in the fields of disability and assistive technology through publications, presentations, and research.
  • The Hakuho Award for outstanding educators and organizations and the Incentive Award of the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
    Presented concurrently to .
  • UW Spotlight Award
    Presented to Terrill Thompson, technology accessibility specialist, for his promotion of accessible and universal design in the development and selection of technology.

  • Presented to Sheryl Burgstahler, DO-IT founder and director, in honor of and appreciation for outstanding achievement and contributions to the field of higher education and disability.
  • Innovator Award in the College of Engineering Certificate of Recognition
    Presented to Marvin Crippen, DO-IT technology specialist, and Sheryl Burgstahler, DO-IT Founder and Director.
  • UW Spotlight Award
    Presented to Doug Hayman, DO-IT accessibility technology specialist, for his expertise and skill determining user needs, setting up equipment, training, and providing ongoing support and troubleshooting.
  • UW Spotlight Award
    Presented to Marvin Crippen, DO-IT systems administrator, for his expert client and desktop support as well as accessible technology work. Ìý
  • UW Spotlight Award
    Presented to Debra Zawada, DO-IT project coordinator, for creating lasting relationships with the Seattle Public Schools in an effort to impact ongoing changes for students with disabilities.
  • UW Spotlight Award
    Presented to Rebekah Peterson, DO-IT publications coordinator, for being a highly skilled communicator with a keen sense of organization and design.
  • UW Spotlight Award
    resented to Nanette Rosenthal, DO-IT operations manager, for her highly collaborative and customer focused work.
  • UW Spotlight Award
    Presented to Laura Roy, DO-IT program coordinator, for working steadily behind the scenes to meet critical deadlines and make things happen.
  • UW-IT's
    Presented to the DO-IT student team for their indispensable support to DO-IT and the Accessible Technology unit.
  • Appointment
    President Obama appointed DO-IT Mentor Karen Braitmayer to the U.S. Access Board. Braitmayer is a registered architect and principal with Studio Pacifica. She regularly advises state agencies, local governments, and other organizations on accessibility under various laws, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).Ìý
  • 2010Ìý
    Presented to DO-IT Ambassador Priscilla Wong for outstanding volunteer service and civic participation. The award included a signed letter from President Obama.Ìý
  • 2009Ìý
    PresentedÌýto the AccessComputing program in recognition of communication excellence in its 2007 Summer Academy Advancing Deaf & Hard of Hearing in Computing video.Ìý
  • UW Spotlight Award
    Presented to Linda Tofle, DO-IT operations manager, for her flexibility, desire to build skills, and professional attitude.
  • 2007ÌýCareer Opportunities for Students with Disabilities (COSD)ÌýGreenberg Award for Innovation
    PresentedÌýto DO-IT founder and director Sheryl Burgstahler for innovative efforts in securing employment opportunities for students with disabilities.Ìý
  • 2007 Ìý
    PresentedÌýto the AccessComputing team - represented by Richard Ladner, Sheryl Burgstahler, Michael Richardson, Rob Roth, Terry Thompson, and Lyla Crawford - for their exemplary work toward a common goal of increasing the participation of individuals with disabilities in computing careers.
  • 2007 EducationÌýBest Zone Paper AwardÌý
    Presented to Richard Ladner and Sheryl Burgstahler, co-directors of AccessComputing, and Tammy VanDeGrift and Annamarie PoginyÌýfor their manuscript, The Game of Life Workshop - Reaching Out to High School Students with Disabilities.Ìý
  • 2007ÌýÌýAchievement Award
    Presented to Scott Bellman, DO-IT program coordinator, for professional achievement in promoting awareness and development in issues of education and employment of persons with disabilities.ÌýÌý
  • 2006Ìý Achievement Award
    Presented to the DO-IT Admin Team for technical and/or professional achievement in promoting awareness and development in issues of education of persons with disabilities.Ìý
  • 2006Ìý
    Presented to Tammy DeGrift, Annemarie Poginy, Richard Ladner, and Sheryl Burgstahler for outstanding paper,ÌýThe Game of Life Workshop - Reaching Out To High School Students With Disabilities.Ìý
  • 2005Ìý Outstanding Member/Educator Award
    Presented to Lyla Crawford, DO-IT program coordinator, for significant contributions toward providing and improving access to higher education in local community and ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ state.Ìý
  • 2005Ìý Achievement Award
    Presented to Patricia MacGowen, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ MESA, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´, for professional achievement in promoting awareness and development in issues of education of persons with disabilities.Ìý
  • 2004ÌýSloan-C
    Presented to DO-IT for recognition of efforts in making distance learning courses accessible.
  • 2004Ìý Achievement Award
    Presented to Priscilla (Charlie) Hinkley, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ UWTV, for technical and/or professional achievement in promoting awareness and development in issues of education of persons with disabilities.Ìý
  • The Award
    Presented to Sara Lopez, DO-IT program manager, for continued support to the Governor's Employer Awards Program and for the enhancement of opportunities for youth with disabilities.
  • 2003Ìý Outstanding Member/Educator Award
    Presented to Doug Hayman, DO-IT adaptive technology specialist, for significant contributions toward providing and improving access to higher education at their institution as well as in their community.Ìý

  • Recognition of work of UW Distance Learning Design, DO-IT, and the UW Access Technology Lab.
  • 2002Ìý Achievement Award
    Presented to DO-IT for exemplary work.
  • 2001Ìý (POD Network)ÌýBright Idea Award
    Presented to DO-IT for exemplary work.
  • 2002 ÌýExceptional Program Award
    Presented to DO-IT for exemplary work.
  • Promising Practice Award
    Presented to DO-IT inÌýrecognition of "a proven record of success and a validation of effectiveness" in supporting youth with disabilities as they transition from high school to college and careers, using technology as an empowering tool.
  • 2001Ìý Meritorious Service Award
    Presented to Kathy Cook, DO-IT program coordinator, for years of service and leadership.
  • 2000ÌýEmerald City Award
    Presented toÌýCharlie Hinckley for video productions in the Motivation -Ìýunder $20,000 category for Finding Gold: Hiring The Best and the Brightest.
  • Distinguished Resource
    Presented to DO-IT for itsÌýhigh-quality learning material for distance learning courses.
  • 1999 Best of the Northwest Film Video Festival Award of Excellence - Informational Category
    Presented to Charlie Hinckley for her production of DO-IT's video The Winning Equation - Access + Attitude = Success.
  • 2000Ìý Achievement Award
    Presented to Dan Comden, DO-IT adaptive technology specialist, for technical and/or professional achievement in promoting awareness and development in issues of education of persons with disabilities.ÌýÌý
  • 2000Ìý Outstanding Student Award
    Presented to Imke Durre, a student at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ and DO-IT Mentor, for her significant contribution to programs at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´.
  • Golden Apple Award
    Presented to DO-IT for its contribution to excellence in precollege education in ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ state.
  • 1999 Best of the Northwest Film & Video Festival Award of Excellence - Overall Excellence in ProgrammingÌý
    Presented to UWTV and DO-IT.Ìý
  • 1997 The President's Award of Excellence in Mentoring
    RecognitionÌýfor mentoring students with disabilities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
  • 1997 The President's Summit on Volunteerism
    Recognition in 1997 for use of volunteers to support young people with disabilities.
  • 1995 The National Information Infrastructure Award in Education
    RecognitionÌýfor creative use of the Internet in the education category.
  • 1995 Organization Award
    Presented to DO-IT for an outstanding record of service to people with disabilities.